연합감리교회 . 동성애 반대 투표

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연합감리교회 . 동성애 반대 투표

최고관리자 0 1,346 2022.12.29 07:52

동성애 반대 투표

A Complaint Against the Western Jurisdiction 

교회법인 장정을 부정하는 서부지역 연합감리교회에 대한 호소

On July 15, 2016, the Western Jurisdiction of the UMC broke faith with church doctrine by electing an openly gay and partnered Bishop, Rev. Karen Oliveto. This action was ruled contrary to church law by the Judicial Council. However, Oliveto continues to serve in the office of Bishop.

Now, on November 4, 2022, the Western Jurisdiction once again defied the UMC covenant by electing its second openly gay and partnered Bishop, Rev. Cedrick Bridgeforth. These actions come at a particularly harmful time when the denomination is facing deep division related to human sexuality and our shared commitment to The Book of Discipline.

A complaint is being filed against the College of Bishops in the Western Jurisdiction by Rev. Dr. W. Timothy McClendon.

Read the Full Complaint Here

Any United Methodist harmed by the actions of the Western Jurisdiction is invited to sign the addendum to the complaint by following this link:

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