There is a Wilderness Church in Hawaii


There is a Wilderness Church in Hawaii

최고관리자 0 2,382 2022.09.27 20:40

Wilderness Church in Hawaii

1. There is a Wilderness Church in Hawaii. There is a church in the wilderness in Hawaii. What kind of church is the church in the wilderness in Hawaii? It is a question about the identity of the church. What kind of church should the wilderness church be? This is a question about the vision of the church.

2. The Wilderness Church has a purpose of being born. The United Methodist Church ignores the Bible and appointed a lesbian pastor as a bishop. Eleven bishops defy canon law and declare their support for homosexuality. Against this, the church was established to keep the Bible as the Word of God. Therefore, it is not a church established by man, but a church established by God.

Because homosexuality denies God's creation.

3. When the Wilderness Church left UMC, it held the “General Conference for Keeping the Bible”

and then started the campaign to keep the Bible through With more than 600,000 visitors and no matter how the world changes, Wilderness Church will be a church dedicated to protecting the Bible and the churches. This is the identity of the Wilderness Church.

4. Jesus compared the kingdom of heaven to “mustard seed and leaven,” and if this is applied to the

church in the wilderness, the future of the church in the wilderness can be seen.

5. A mustard seed is smaller than all seeds, but when grown it becomes a large tree in which the birds of the air nest. So what kind of seed will grow into a big tree? It is not a big seed, not a small seed, it is a living seed.

6. The mustard seed is the word of the living God. It is the almighty power of God who created the world. It is the word of life that raises the dead. It is a word of blessing that brings blessings.

The Wilderness Church is a church that keeps the Word of God and will become a house of the living Word of God.

7. If you add yeast to the powdered malt and inflate it, it becomes a large bread that can be eaten by 160 long-distance people. The leaven transforms the flour into bread. Transform small things into big things. Leaven does not work from the outside, but from the inside.

8. Leaven changes flour, but the cross of Jesus changes people. He transforms the old man into a new man. He forgives sins and makes you a child of God. He regenerates you and gives you the hope of heaven.

9. The Wilderness Church will be the Church of God that protects and transforms Hawaii with the Word of God.


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