(COLORADO SPRINGS) — The suspect of the shooting at Club Q, an LGBTQ night club, on Saturday, Nov. 19, in Colorado Springs is now identifying as non-binary, according to court documents filed on Tuesday evening on Nov. 22.

A footnote in a court filing reads, “Anderson Aldrich is non-binary. They use they/them pronouns, and for the purposes of all formal filings, will be addressed as Mx. Aldrich.”

Every mention of the suspect uses, “Mx,” as a prefix commonly used by transgender, gender-nonconforming and nonbinary in place of Mr., Mrs. and Ms. 

Aldrich is charged with five counts of murder and five counts of bias-motivated crimes, according to court documents.

The suspect will have a Hearing on Advisement on Wednesday, Nov. 23 at 11:30 a.m. The alleged shooter’s First Appearance in court will be in El Paso County on Dec. 6, 2022 at 8:30 a.m.