Declaration of Exodus from the United Methodist Church


Declaration of Exodus from the United Methodist Church

MDHan 0 9,555 2020.09.01 06:24


                       연합감리회 탈퇴 선언

Declaration of Exodus from the United Methodist Church


Rev. Myong Duk Han and the members of Bethany Korean United Methodist Church in Hawaii declare as follows; 

To keep the Bible as the Word of God,

To keep our traditional faith of the church,

To keep God’s church as God’s one, and

To keep this country as God’s land,

We disaffiliate from the UMC and we start the keep the Bible campaign.


한명덕목사와 베다니교회 성도는 성경을 하나님의 말씀으로 지키고, 교회의 전통적인 믿음을 지키며, 하나님의 교회를 하나님의 교회로 지키고, 이 나라를 기독교 신앙의 땅으로 지키기 위해 연합감리교를 탈퇴합니다.

성경 지키기 캠페인을 시작합니다.

September 19, 2018


Rev. Myong Han 한명덕목사

Wilderness Church in Hawaii ... 하와이 광야교회


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